Accuracy and precision

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This section is still under construction! This article was last modified on 11/15/2010. If you have comments please use the Discussion page or contribute to the article!

Accuracy and precision are two terms that are often equivalently used, even though they do not have the same meaning and should be used accordingly. We hope this article will clarify the meanings of each. The Merram-Webster online dictionary (Merriam-webster online dictionary) defines “accuracy” as the freedom from mistake or error: correctness. While “precision” is defined as: the quality or state of being precise : exactness.

info.png Example:

Imagine you have the task to assess the mean height of students in a class. Unfortunately all you have for measuring the height is an old ruler, that has gotten a little longer with time. Thus, a bias is introduced by systematically overestimating the real height of each student. As a result the mean height for the whole class will also be too high. Here we say: the accuracy of mean height is low.

info.png Example:

Using a ruler (which varies its length due to bad manufacturing), you want to measure your own height. While measuring your height several times in a row, you recognize that you measure a different height with every measurement. The variation of each measurement around the mean height (your real height) gives you an idea about the precision of the measurement.

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