Talk:Exercise 51
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Can't find this map in the provided data. Propably clc was meant. - Levent 16:01, 18 January 2011 (CET)
Output problem with r.kappa
When running r.kappa i got the error message “Ungültiger Dateiname. Das Zeichen </> ist nicht erlaubt.“ (English: Symbol </> is not allowed) which is quite strange. I worked around by opening the shell, switching to the target directory and running the command from the shell with only the name of the document set as output. Syntax was
- r.kappa class=smap_rcl reference=clc out=smap_error_report title=Accuracy_Assessment.
- Levent 17:21, 18 January 2011 (CET)
Steps 9 and 10
They just don't make any sense. Maybe the maps su or unsu are meant here? - Levent 18:03, 18 January 2011 (CET)