Talk:Data type conversion

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This is not a smart solution!:

We may change the data type (or radiometric resolution) of a raster layer.

  1. Click the Add raster layer QGIS 2.0 addrast.png and select a single band file /geodata/raster/s2/Subset_S2A_MSIL2A_20170619T_B03.tif. This is a spectral green band with the data type UInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer with the value range 0 to 65535 (Check the Raster metadata). We would like to convert the raster to data type Byte - eight bit unsigned integer, value range 0 to 255.
  2. Click Open.
  3. In processing toolbar, type Rescale into the search field to find the Orfeo Toolbox --> Image Manipulation --> Rescale Image) tool. Open it with a double click. Specify a new output file name as shown in the screenshot.

Qgis rescale.png

The output Image raster is now recoded to correct eight bit data range but the data type is now Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point. Note, the Output pixel type option uint8 currently does not work!

  1. In the processing toolbar, type Convert data into the search field to find the SAGA --> Raster tools --> Convert data storage) tool. Open with a double click.


  • Data storage type: [1] unsigned 1 byte integer
  • Converted grid: a new output file name. Click Run.

Qgis convert data storage.png

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