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The European Urban Atlas is part of the local component of the GMES/Copernicus land monitoring services. It provides high-resolution land use maps for European Large Urban Zones and their surroundings (more than 50.000 inhabitants). The Urban Atlas has a legend designed to capture urban land use (17 urban classes with minimum mapping unit = MMU 0.25 ha, 10 rural classes MMU = 1ha) and a finer spatial resolution compared to the CORINE land cover product. It was produced by the Copernicus Urban Atlas project.

  • Click the Open Data Source Manager QGIS 3.0 datasource.png and then Add vector layer QGIS 2.0 addvect.png and select the file geodata\lucc\DE021L1_GOTTINGEN\Subset-Goe_DE021L1_GOTTINGEN_UA2012_UTM32N.shp.

The map should now appear in the selected style. You can expand the legend of the categories by opening the dropdown arrow next to the layer name (Figure D).

Figure D: Copernicus urban atlas landcover map for Göttingen and vicinity
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