Training data selection (manually)

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Create a new vector layer

  1. Click the Add raster layer in the toolbar or choose Layer --> Add raster Layer
  2. Navigate to the georeferenced DOP /geodata_w02/mavic_rgba_modified.tif. OK
  3. Create a new vector layer:
  4. Select Layer --> Create Layer --> New Geopackage Layer.
  5. Define path and file name.
    • As Geometry type, select Polygon.
    • Click the Specify CRS button and select the Project CRS, e.g.: WGS84/UTM32N (EPSG:32632).
    • Adding an additional column in the attibute table:
      • For the attribute's name type Class into the Name field of the New attribute section.
      • Select Whole number (integer) as data type.
      • Confirm with Add to Fields List.


Configure vector digitizing

  1. Select Project --> Snapping options.
  2. Activate Snapping clicking on the left button.
  3. Change All Layers to Advanced Configuration
  4. Activate one or several vector layers for which you wish to configure snapping.
  5. Change Type from vertex to vertex and segment.
  6. Choose Units meters.
  7. Select the snapping Tolerance 0.2.
  8. Activate the checkbox Avoid overlap.
  9. Activate Topological Editing and Snapping on Intersection

Qgis snap opt.png

Start digitizing

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