Setting up Jupyter Notebook

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Installation Guide for Windows Miniconda

Go to the Miniconda Download page [Miniconda Download]. Download the appropriate (32- or 64-Bit) Python 3.7 version of Miniconda.

  • Double click on the .exe file and click Install.
  • Read and agree to the licensing terms.
  • Select if you want to install for ‘Just Me’ or ‘All Users’. If you are installing for ‘All Users’, you must have Administrator privileges.
  • You will be prompted to select the installation location. By default, Anaconda should try to install in your home directory. We recommend accepting this default. Click Install.

info.png Anaconda PATH environment variable
You will be asked if you want to add Anaconda to your PATH environment variable. Do not add Anaconda to the PATH because it can interfere with other software.
  • You will be asked if you want Anaconda to be your default version of Python. We recommend ‘Yes’.
  • Click Install.

Create a new Conda environment with tensorflow

To install the current release of CPU-only TensorFlow we create a new environment with name tf and install the package tensorflow.

  • Open the Anaconda Command Prompt from windows start menu, type:
conda create --name tf tensorflow
  • To activate and use the new environment, type:
conda activate tf

Install Jupyter

[Jupyter] Notebooks is an easy-to-use, interactive, web-based editor for writting and executing Python code.

  • In the Anaconda Prompt, type
conda install jupyter

Once the installation is complete, you can run a jupyter notebook by typing:

jupyter notebook

A Jupyter Notebook interface will appear in your default browser. Jupyter-directory-browser.png

Install required packages

Now we install a few packages we need for the course.

  • In the Anaconda Command Prompt, type (hit ‘Enter’ after each row)
conda install numpy
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install -c conda-forge pandas
conda install -c anaconda pillow
  • Press Enter after each row
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