Point sampling on raster

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Revision as of 14:39, 26 November 2017 by Hfuchs (Talk | contribs)

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  1. Click Plugins --> Manage and Install Plugins.
  2. Type in the search bar Point sampling tool, click on the plugin name and then on Install plugin.
  3. Load the single band raster file C_ID.tif created by Convert vector to Raster.
  4. Load the regular grid as vector point file systeamtic_grid100.shp' created by Create regular point grid.
  5. Open the Point Sampling Tool clicking Qgis psample button.png.
    1. Open Vector --> Research tools --> regular points. Set the Input extent Layer to Use layer/canvas extent.
    2. Enter the number 600 (meters) to Point spacing.
    3. Click Use point spacing on.
    4. Enter an output shapefile name systematic_grid.shp and path by clicking Browse.
    5. Confirm with Run. The new layer is added to the Layer Panel .
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