Changing pixel size

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Often we need to change the pixel size (or spatial resolution) of a raster layer without changing the extent. The result of Up-sampling (or downscaling) are smaller pixels the result of Down-sampling (or upscaling) are larger pixels.

  1. Click the Add raster layer QGIS 2.0 addrast.png and select a single band file C:/OSGeo4W64/geodata/raster/s2/Subset_S2A_MSIL2A_20170619T_B03.tif. This is the spectral green band with a pixel size of 10m.
  2. Click Open, and the raster layer appears on the QGIS canvas.
  3. In the processing toolbar, type Resamling into the search field to find the SAGA --> Raster Tools --> Resampling) tool. Open it with a double click.
  4. For producing smaller pixels (5m) we use settings as shown in the screenshot below:

Qgis upscaling.png Click Run.

  1. For producing larger pixels (100m) we use settings as shown in the screenshot below:

Qgis downscaling.png Click Run.

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