Load a WMS-Layer

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QGIS Tutorial
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WMS stands for Web Map Service. WMS produces maps of spatially referenced data dynamically from geographic information. These maps are rendered in a pictorial format for example PNG, GIF or JPEG. The operations can be done using a standard web browser which submitt requests in form of a URL. In most cases WMS acts as a client like Quantum GIS. The OGC WMS specification standardizes the way in which maps are requested by clients and the way that servers describe their data holdings.


Add WMS layer

If you want to integrate a WMS-Layer to Quantum GIS you have to do the follwing steps.


  1. Click the Add WMS layer icon Addwms.png
  2. Click Add default servers.
  3. Select Nasa (JPL) as the Server connection from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Connect
  5. Now a list of all downloadable layers appears.
  6. Click on the layer to select him. If you click on the little Plus symbol you see all styles the layer included.
  7. After selecting the layer or style click Add.

Exercise.png Exercise 13: Add styles

  1. Make a WMS connection to NASA (JPL)
  2. Look for the layer BMNG (Blue Marble Next Generation)
  3. There you click on the Plus-Symbol to open the included styles.
  4. Add the styles AUG and DEZ to the map legend.

OpenStreet Map layer

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