Cloud masking

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Sentinel-2 cloud masking

The exclusion of clouds and cloud shadow is an important processing step which is usually done in an early preprocessing stage. The Sentinel-2 products are annotated with Quality Indicators (QI_DATA). In the Level 2A product you may find a file in the folder QI_DATA with the extension _CLD_20m.jp2 (data type: 8bit unsigned integer, spatial resolution 20m) which might be used for masking clouds. The data range is from 0 for high confidence clear sky to 100 for high confidence cloudy (for more details see [L2A Product Definition Document]).

  1. Load a multiband Sentinel-2 satellite image (Level 2-A product) Changing Raster Layer Style to display a true color and a false color composite.
  2. Zoom in to a cloudy part of the image and compare the extent of cloud and cloud shadow in both composites. Which composite is better for displaying clouds?
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