Accuracy and precision

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Revision as of 08:30, 15 November 2010 by Cfische (Talk | contribs)

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Forest Inventory lecturenotes
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This section is still under construction! This article was last modified on 11/15/2010. If you have comments please use the Discussion page or contribute to the article!

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info.png Example:

Imagine you have the task to assess the mean height of students in a class. Unfortunately all you have for measuring the height is an old ruler, that has gotten a little longer with time. Thus, a bias is introduced by systematically overestimating the real height of each student. As a result the mean height for the whole class will also be too high. Here we say: the accuracy of mean height is low.

info.png Example:

Using a ruler (which varies its length due to bad manufacturing), you want to measure your own height. While measuring your height several times in a row, you recognize that you measure a different height with every measurement. The variation of each measurement around the mean height (your real height) gives you an idea about the precision of the measurement.

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