DAAD FD5 Workshop

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Forests and any other trees outside the forest play a central role in the global carbon cycle. Deforestation contributes to about 20% to global greenhouse gas emissions -more than the whole transportation sector. At the same time, forests house the largest terrestrial biodiversity, contribute to water and soil conservation, provide space for recreation in many industrialized countries and add rural livelihoods in many developed and developing countries alike. Protection and sustainable management of forests has become an increasingly global issue. And global conventions are now taking place that include forests and their management. Among them are the UN-FCCC, the UN-CBD and the UN-CCD. Along the annual UN-FCCC Conference of the Parties, CIFOR has been organizing Forest Day since COP13 in Bali (2007).

Now, in 2011, Forest Day 5 has been presented in Durban South Africa. Thanks to the generous support from the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, Chair of Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen was able to organize the second student and alumni workshop on "Forests in climate change research and policy: The role of forest management and conservation in a complex international setting". Our students participated in a special workshop along the Forest Day in Durban as part of their graduate course “Tropical and International Forestry” (TIF). Prior to their arrival in Durban, our students had had a series of lectures and special visitors in preparation for the complex policy discussion process on REDD (Reduced Emissions Deforestation and Degradation). We organized this student and alumni workshop together with the Department of Forest and Wood Science, Stellenbosch University. We were able to invite professors and students from altogether 21 coutries.


Impressions from last year DAAD FD4 Workshop

The first international DAAD FD4 workshop took place 2010 along the Forest Day 4 in Cancún, Mexico. We believe that this workshop and the visit to Forest Day 4 was an unforgettable experience for all participants, both in scientific-technical terms and also in terms of international networking. Organization and implementation of this workshop was only possible through the active and comprehensive support by many. Our greatest thanks are due DAAD, inparticular to Mrs. Birgitt Skailes and Mrs. Anke Stahl for their helpfulness and efficient explanation of many important bureaucratic details. We are grateful to MSc Antje Henkelmann for assisting in many organizational matters and to BSc Alina Kleinn for editorial support to finalizing this proceedings volume. MSc Christoph Fischer edited the workshop programme, MSc Philipp Beckschäfer implemented successfully the preparatory video-conferences among all partners and Dr. Wibke Himmelsbach and Prof. Marco Gonzalez from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León UANL in Monterrey did the local organization of the workshop in Cancún which included a lot of logistics – and which worked out perfectly.

You can download the File:Workshop proceedings.pdf here.

Guest lectures

broadcasting to international students
Prof. Dr. Markku Kanninen, University of Helsinki
Fabian Schmitz, GIZ

The program for our workshop is divided in two parts. Before we meet in Pietermaritzburg there will be some introductory guest lectures held at the University of Göttingen. These presentations will give an introduction to the climate change- policy process and the role of forests in this context. The lectures are open to all interested. For those students who are not in Göttingen and for the international alumni participating in our workshop, a comprehensive abstract will be prepared. We are happy about excellent speakers, and we are looking forward to instructive talks and discussions. Like done in the introductory seminar we will try to broadcast the lectures to interested international participants via telephone conference.

You can download the announcement for our guest lectures here: File:Guest lectures.pdf

1) Carbon Forestry: implementation and financing

Tuesday, 1. November 2011: 12:30-14:00h (lecture hall F01)

Dr. Timm Tennigkeit, Unique Forestry Consultants, Freiburg

Dr. Tennigkeit is a freelance consultant with comprehensive experience in the implementation of carbon forestry projects in Africa and Asia and had been working formerly for the ICRAF office in China for 5 years.

2) The evolution of REDD+ and what is at stake in Durban

Tuesday, 8. November 2011: 14:00-16:00h (lecture hall F01)

Mr. Fabian Schmidt, GIZ Eschborn

Mr. Schmidt is member of the GIZ team on “Environment and Climate”, has worked for the GIZ REDD Program in Indonesia, for CIFOR, the World Bank and Forest Finance Ltd.

3) Forests and land use in the tropics: challenges in their role in climate change mitigation and adaptation

Tuesday, 22. November 2011: 14:00-16:00h (lecture hall F01)

Prof. Dr. Markku Kanninen, University of Helsinki, Finnland

Prof. Kanninen is a professor of Tropical Silviculture. He was formerly scientific director at CATIE, Costa Rica, and at CIFOR, Indonesia. He is a member of the UNFCCC Adaptation Fund Board.

Introductory seminar

An introductory seminar on the workshop organization was held in Göttingen on 19. October. Please find the presentation here: File:FD5intro.pdf!

FD5 Workshop program

International workshop participants from 21 countries. (Download in higher resolution).

Download the complete program here: File:DAAD-FD5 program.pdf!

Wednesday, 30.11.2011 Arrival

All day

Arrival of participants. Dinner will be announced on arrival.


Internal meeting of Organization Panel

Thursday, 1.12.2011 DAY ONE


Internal meeting of organization panel

C Ham, T Seifert, L Fehrmann, C Kleinn


Workshop Opening

  • Opening Address (tbc): Mrs Janine Heynes (Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Economic and Environmental Affairs, South Africa)
  • Information on workshop organization
  • Introduction of participants
  • Presentation of workshop programme


Coffee break 

Moderator: Hanns Höfle, Rapporteurs: students 1 from Göttingen


Seminar paper

(How) can silviculture contribute to carbon sequestration? Achim Dohrenbusch


Seminar paper

Issues of forest monitoring in the context of climate change research and policy Christoph Kleinn, Lutz Fehrmann, Alexander Knohl


Seminar paper

Introduction to South African forestry and forest research Thomas Seifert, Cori Ham


Lunch break

Moderator: Marco Gonzales, Rapporteur: students from Ethiopia


Seminar paper

Gunung Walat Educational Forest: From Bare Land to Forest Stand Yusuf Sudo Hadi


Seminar paper

Technical framework of plantation management towards multi-functional service development (CAF, Beijing, China) Yuanchang LU, Xiangdong LEI, Xian-zhao LIU, Jinghui Meng, Tingting Li


Seminar paper

Forests and climate change: Research and policy issues in India (FRI, Dehradun, India) Sharad Negi


Seminar paper

Droughts and its effect on Fire frequency in the Southern Cape region of South Africa Hendri Jooste, Benedict Odhiambo


Coffee break

Moderator: Marco Gonzales, Rapporteur: Students from Indonesia


Seminar paper

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in changing climate conditions: the potential and challenges for Mozambique Almeida Sitoe, Rosta Mate, Benard Guedes


Seminar paper

A multidisciplinary approach for valuing dry land forests in the context of REDD as a public good Mesfin Tilahun, Erik Mathijs, Bart Muys


Seminar paper

Forest Monitoring for REDD+: challenges in mapping forest carbon Philip Mundhenk


Seminar paper

South African policy aspects: Gearing up for Climate Change Ralston Hans, Jeanne Roux


Wrap-up of day 1 Alexander Knohl

presentations in the plenary

Friday 2.12.2011 DAY TWO

Moderator: Yusuf Hadi, Rapporteur: Students from Bonn


Seminar paper

Are there lessons to be learned from forestry in Germany? Hanns Höfle


Seminar paper

Forest fires threaten deforestation reductions of Mexican forest Marco Gonzales


Seminar paper

The role of tropical forests to face climate change. Cases of study in Colombia and Ecuador. Juan Carlos Camargo, Bolier Torres


Seminar paper

Exploratory analysis of sustainability in the reforestation program of the Project of Adaptation to the Rapid Glacier Retreat in the Tropical Andes (PRAA) in the Shullcas sub basin, Mantaro watershed, Peru Natalia Reategui


Coffee break

Moderator: Yusuf Hadi, Rapporteur: Students from Freiburg


Seminar paper

Modelling global data of climate and vegetation to a local scale; the case of Costa Rica, Central America Mauricio Vega


Seminar paper

Promoting Mountain Forest Conservation in the Climate Change Context for Eco-system Services Provision at the Lowlands: Experience from Nepal and Tanzania Ibrahim Mwkiru, Suman Ghimire


Seminar paper

Community based forest enterprises: a potential strategy for climate change mitigation and adaptation Emmerson Chivhenge, Shambhu Charmakar


Seminar paper

Effect of income from non-timber forest products on rural poverty and income inequality: a case study of rural households in dry woodland areas of Tigray, Ethiopia Amir Mohammed, Mesfin Tilahun, Erik Mathijs, Bart Muys, Atsede Gidey


Lunch break

Moderator: Sharad Negi, Rapporteur: Students 1 from Stellenbosch


Student paper

Opportunities and challenges for tree crop integration in REDD+: Ghana and Colombia Maria Angelica Montes, Abdulai Issaka


Seminar paper

Setting national forest-climate change agenda: perspective from Uganda Gilbert Wathum


Seminar paper

When there is no enough milk and meat: Dryforests as alternative livelihood for climate change adaptation among the vulnerable pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in arid Ethiopia Adefires Worku, Jürgen Pretzsch, Habtemariam Kassa


Seminar paper

A review on opportunities and constraints of A/R-CDM Projects in developing countries Imani Kikoti and Phyu Phyu Lwin


Coffee break

Moderator: Sharad Negi, Rapporteur: Students 2 from Stellenbosch


Seminar paper

Climate Change Response in the Forestry Sector- Kenya's Experience Rose Akombo


Seminar paper

Assisted migration - epoch making idea or human haughtiness Meike Piepenschneider


Seminar paper

Risk mapping for forestry: The ICFR perspective Ilaria Germishuizen (ICFR)


Seminar paper

REDD+ Strategy beyond the Forestry Sector: Analysis of the Agricultural Policies and their Impacts on the Drivers of Deforestation in Brazil and Zambia Priscila M. R. Franco de Oliveira, Andrew Chilombo



Christoph Kleinn

Contributions from 21 countries!

Saturday, 3.12.2011 DAY THREE


Forestry Field Day, KwaZulu-Natal Midlands hosted by the Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR), NCT and Sappi. You can download a detailed program here: File:Fd5 fieldtrip.pdf


Visit to Tala Game Reserve


Forestry visits and presentations


Lunch at Baynesfield Estate


Forestry visits and presentations


Visit to Howick waterfalls

Sunday 4.12.2011 DAY FOUR


Departure from Hotel


Foto session



Participation at CIFOR Forest Day 5

For directions to the conference centre please see Map attached at the end of Program.

Transport arrangements (pick-up times and places) will be announced during the workshop !!

DAAD Workshop participants discussing with international scientists at the issues marketplace on Forest Day 5.

More impressions of Forest Day 5 can be found in the official CIFOR flickr archive.

Monday, 5.12.2011 DAY FIVE

Moderator: Achim Dohrenbusch, Rapporteur: tbd



Wrap-up of FD5 impressions


Coffee break



Design of the structure of the proceedings volume and assignation of tasks (i.e. reports on FD5 and on the entire project)



Introduction to group work


Lunch break



Group work on summary papers & minutes of FD5 and on individual full papers

Tuesday, 6.12.2011 DAY SIX

Moderator: Alexander Knohl



ctd. Group work on summary papers & minutes of FD5 and on individual full papers


Coffee break



ctd. Group work on summary papers & minutes of FD5 and on individual full papers


Lunch break

Moderator: Alexander Knohl, Rapporteur: tbd



Plenary discussion on progress


Coffee break



ctd. Group work on summary papers & minutes of FD5 and on individual full papers

Wednesday, 7.12.2011 DAY SEVEN

Moderator: Hanns Höfle, Alexander Knohl, Rapporteur: Hans Fuchs, Philip Mundhenk



  • Final discussion on workshop outputs
  • Evaluation and compilation of suggestions



  • Assignation / verification of responsibilities
  • Verification of deadlines
  • Workshop Closing


Coffee break


Departure of participants

Workshop venue

The workshop will take place in the Ascot Bush Lodge in Pietermaritzburg (see location map below).


The workshop will be held in Pietermaritzburg that is about 70 km north-west of Durban. This is a life view of openstreetmap:

{{ #display_map: service=openlayers |address=Pietermaritzburg |height=500 |width=700 |zoom=10 }}

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